Dodgeball Rules & Regulations
Learn how to play the game, before stepping onto the court.
Ready to dodge the night away?

league expectations
Failure to comply with the rules and regulations may result in disciplinary measures, including possible removal from the league, without any entitlement to refunds for such actions.
By disregarding the rules, regulations, and code of conduct, you will lose the privilege to participate in any Minnesota Dodgeball leagues. Additionally, your participation in future Minnesota Dodgeball open gyms or social events may be restricted.
All players in Minnesota Dodgeball are expected to uphold the highest ethical standards during gameplay. Those who repeatedly breach the honor system will be given a warning (carded) and could face expulsion from Minnesota Dodgeball, as cheaters are not welcomed and do not contribute to the fun atmosphere we aim to maintain.
it’s just dodgeball
Above all else, our primary goal is to have fun. While dodgeball can be competitive, let’s not forget that we are all adults engaging in a game of throwing rubber balls at one another. It’s essential to approach the game with a level-headed and positive attitude. Any form of violent or aggressive behavior will not be accepted under any circumstances.
*Management maintains the authority to make decisions based on fairness, even if a strict interpretation of the rules might suggest otherwise.
In dodgeball, the honor system plays a crucial role, perhaps more so than in any other sport. As our friends like to say, it’s what separates us from the animals!
- If you are hit by a ball and know it, honor the game and leave the playing area.
- Likewise, if you witness a teammate being hit and they’re out, kindly inform them.
- Failing to abide by these principles amounts to cheating.
Remember, the responsibility to acknowledge being hit or having your ball caught remains with you, regardless of whether the referee calls you out or not.